Friday 19 April 2013

Friday 19th April 2013: 134 days to the big day!

I’d like to tell you that training has eagerly commenced and we are now on our way to being finely tuned athletes. I’d like to tell you that Jason Stobbart is running 10 miles every morning, has given up chocolate and is scaring the local Lytham Zumba enthusiasts by joining them twice a week. I’d like to inform you Stephen Fox has given up beer / wine, shaved his wind resistant mullet, purchased a bike and is cycling to the office morning and night. I’d like to tell you Mick Poole has joined the lifeboat rescue service and his kayaking in the sea on a daily basis. I’d like to tell you I am doing the Preston Guild Wheel for breakfast, Beacon Fell for Lunch and the Lancaster Canal for tea. However……………………………………………………………….
In reality we have put our training off another week! Come on guys – step it up!! Look what I confiscated off Mr Fox:-

Follow us on Facebook and Konkura for updates on the team’s training progress, or lack of it!

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